Statutory policies for schools and academy trusts

Updated 01st July 2024

All our Statutory polices are under review for the Sept 2024 to August 2025 academic year please contact the school office are any policy queries. 

Trust Wide Policies 

The following policies are published on the trust website as they are applicable to all CFAT schools and settings. 

Should you struggle to find what you are looking for please contact 01942 487999 or email

01/09/2023 Please note that some of the policies below are being updated for the 2023-24 academic year and will be uploaded once adopted by respective boards or committees in line with the scheme of delegation. 

 Please see below our 2023-24 policies that are available to download below:

cFAT Central Policies

Business Expenses Policy

Buying and Selling Annual Leave Policy

Disclosure and Barring Service Policy

Employee Grievance Procedure

Employee Disciplinary Procedure

Employees Social Media Policy

Safer Recruitment Policy - Sept 2023-24

CFAT Finance Policies 


Trust Wide HR Policies 

Maternity Leave Policy

Adoption Leave Policy

Shared Parental Leave Policy

Teachers Pay Policy - September 2023-24

Support Staff Pay Policy

Flexible Working Procedure for Employees





CFAT  Statutory Policies





Click Here to review Child Protection Policy and Safeguarding September 2023-24

Relates to:

  • Community First Academy Trust
  • Platt Bridge Community School
  •  Kingsbridge EIP SCITT
  • Start Well Family Centre


Our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy has been created in line with the DfE's 'Keeping children safe in education' (KCSIE) statutory guidance and related legislation and guidance.

We use this policy to implement a whole-trust preventative approach to managing safeguarding concerns and set out a clear and consistent framework for delivering this approach, as well as to ensure that our schools are compliant with all statutory safeguarding procedures.

In accordance with published ‘Keeping children safe in education 2023’ (KCSIE), which all schools will need to follow from 1 September 2023.

As a result, we have updated our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy.





Click Here to review Supporting Pupils with Medical Needs Policy 2023-24


Relates to:

  • Community First Academy Trust
  • Platt Bridge Community School
  • Start Well Family Centre


Schools have a duty to ensure arrangements are in place to support pupils with medical conditions. This policy is to ensure that all pupils with medical conditions receive appropriate support, allowing them to play a full and active role in school life, remain healthy, have full access to education (including school trips and PE), and achieve their academic potential.

Aug 2023

We have updated this policy in line with the latest government guidance.





Click Here to review the Trust Equality Information and Objectives Policy 

Click Here to review our Equality Information and Objectives Statement 2023-24


We drafted this policy to review The Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties and Public Authorities) Regulations 2017 and The Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017.

Aug 2023

We have updated this policy following a review conducted by our diversity and inclusion expert. All new and updated information is clearly highlighted.


Click Here to review trust SEN Policy and Information Report (Local Offer) which includes arrangements for managing complaints regarding their SEND provision from the parents of pupils with SEND.


This policy sets our school’s approach to supporting pupils with SEND including:

  • Catering for different kinds of SEND
  • Key staff and expertise

We have reviewed this report to ensure it is in line with the latest relevant guidance – no significant changes were required.





Click Here to review Trust Behaviour Policy 

Sept 2023-24

Relates to:

  • Community First Academy Trust
  •  Platt Bridge Community School


The policy outlines our trust/schools approach in managing behaviour in our schools. It outlines our prevention strategies and sanctions for unacceptable behaviour to ensure you are able to provide a safe environment free from disruption, violence, discrimination, bullying and all forms of harassment.

We have updated this policy to reflect minor changes that were made to the DfE's behaviour guidance and clarified some wording in relation to suspending pupils in the 'Physical intervention' subsection of this policy.





Click Here to review our Complaints Policy 2023-24

Relates to:

  • Community First Academy Trust
  • Platt Bridge Community School
  • Kingsbridge EIP SCITT
  • Start Well Family Centre


This policy has been created to handle complaints relating to any aspects of the provision of facilities or services against:

  • Any member of staff in a trust academy, including headteachers.
  • Any local governors or trustees, including chairs of governors or trustees.
  • Whole governing or trust boards.
  • The CEO of your trust.
  • Any academy within the trust.
  • the trust as a whole.

We have reviewed this policy to ensure that it is up to date with the 'Academy Trust Handbook 2023'. Only minor changes have been made.

The number of formal complaints received in the previous year 2021-22 across the trust was 1 Platt bridge Community School and 1 Start Well Family Centre .

The number of formal complaints received in the previous year 2022-23 across the trust was 1 to Community First Academy Trust 11 Platt bridge Community School and 0 Start Well Family Centre .





Click Here to review our Whistle Blowing Policy

 Sept 2023-24

Relates to:

  • Community First Academy Trust
  • Platt Bridge Community School
  • Kingsbridge EIP SCITT
  • Start Well Family Centre


This policy outline our procedures for ensuring staff understand how to raise any concerns and what procedures are in place to deal with their concerns.

Alongside comprehensive procedures, protected disclosures, assurances and the appeal process are all addressed in detail.

We have updated this policy in line with 'Keeping children safe in education 2022 / 2023'.





Trust Wide Scheme of Delegation and Financial Management Policies

Click Here to review trust Statutory information page including which is our published scheme of delegation and financial management policies.


The ‘Academy Trust handbook’ requires the board of trustees to publish its scheme of delegation in the governance statement published within its annual accounts and on the academy trust’s website. 

We have updated this resource in line with The Academy Trust Handbook 2022.





Trust Wide GDPR, Privacy and Data Policies


The main trust privacy and data protection policies relating to our schools, scitt and trading company are available by clicking here

We have updated our policies to include a new section on cloud computing and reviewed the policy against the latest guidance.





Click Here to review Freedom of Information Agreed Publication Scheme


Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, all schools are required to publish a freedom of information statement and outline how they will meet their duties under the act. This model policy details how schools should respond to individual information access requests, how data should be released, as well as how to provide effective advice and assistance for applicants.

This policy, alongside the Model Publication Scheme provided in the appendix, sets out how we are meeting our statutory duties under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, as well as other relevant legislation, and, how we, respond to all requests fairly, lawfully and sensitively.

We have reviewed this policy in line with relevant guidance – no significant changes were required.





Click Here to review our Early Career Teacher (ECT) Induction Policy

Relates to:

·          Community First Academy Trust

·          Platt Bridge Community School


Early career teachers (ECTs) are entitled to a two-year induction period which is underpinned by the 'Early Career Framework' (ECF). This policy has been created in line with the DfE's statutory 'Induction for early career teachers (England)' guidance and can be used to ensure your school is providing inductions for ECTs in line with the relevant requirements and expectations.

We have updated this policy to clarify that the extension of the induction period to two years does not prevent schools from awarding pay progression to ECTs at the end of their first year.





Click Here to review our Teacher Appraisal and Capability Policy and Procedures

Relates to:

  • Community First Academy Trust
  • Platt Bridge Community School


This policy sets out the framework for clear and consistent assessment of the overall performance of teachers, including the headteacher. It is designed to support teachers’ development, within the context of the school’s plan for improving educational provision and performance, and the standards expected of teachers.

This policy has been separated into two Teacher Appraisal and Capability Policies.


This policy has been generally updated for clarity.





Click Here to review our First Aid in Schools policy 

 (Sept 2023- Aug 2024)

Relates to:

  • Platt Bridge Community School


This policy outlines all the key procedures CFAT schools have in place to ensure they are providing effective first aid.

Currently under review to incorporate a statement of intent to outline our First Aid Procedures during the continued Covid-19 Pandemic.

This policy has now been updated to reflect the changes made to the DfE's 'First aid in schools, early years and further education' guidance.





Click Here to review CFAT Health & Safety Policy

Sept 2023-24

Relates to:

  • Community First Academy Trust
  • Platt Bridge Community School
  • Kingsbridge EIP SCITT
  • Start Well Family Centre


his policy outlines our trust protocols and procedures regarding health and safety in our schools and organisations. It addresses considerations such as roles and responsibilities, training, first aid, fire safety, accident reporting, bomb threat procedures and more. In addition, it includes advice on manual handling, working at heights and lone working.

We have updated this policy in line with the UK Health Security Agency's 'Health protection in children and young people settings, including education' guidance.





Click Here Accessibility Plan 2023-24

Relates to:

  • Community First Academy Trust
  • Platt Bridge Community School
  • Kingsbridge EIP SCITT
  • Start Well Family Centre


Schools are required to implement accessibility plans which are aimed at:

  •  Increasing the extent to which disabled pupils can participate in the curriculum.
  • Improving the physical environment of schools to enable pupils with disabilities to take better advantage of education, benefits, facilities and services provided.
  • Improving the availability of accessible information to pupils with disabilities. 

We have reviewed this plan in line with the latest guidance – only minor reference changes were required.





Click Here to review our trust Coronavirus Contingency Policy and Remote Learning Website


Our Coronavirus (COVID-19): Contingency Plan provides an overview /  outline how we will operate if restrictions are implemented, covering areas including remote education, on-site provision and safeguarding.

Updated: Dec 2021 for Coronavirus updates and risk assessments please click here 






Click Here to review our Anti-Fraud and Corruption Policy 


All academies should be committed to operating with the highest ethical standards and to acting with integrity in all of their activities. This policy sets out responsibilities regarding the prevention of fraud and corruption, key indicators of fraud, how suspected and actual fraud should be reported, and more.

We have updated this policy in line with the 'Academy trust handbook 2022' – only minor changes to the legal framework and the section on cyber-security were required.





Click Here to review our Charging and Remissions Policy


This policy supports equal opportunities for all pupils, regardless of financial circumstances, and adhere to  statutory requirements regarding charging for education, optional extras, exam fees and more.

We have reviewed this policy against the Academy Trust Handbook 2023 - no changes were required other than a reference in the 'Legal framework' section. A minor change has also been made to the 'Damaged and lost items' section.





Click Here to review our Investment Policy


This policy supports an academy trust's operations by creating financial reserves against an unpredictable environment and makes sure there is provision for future cash flow requirements and capital procurement.

We are in the process of reviewing  this policy in line with the 'Academy trust handbook 2023' – only minor reference changes were required.